
Monday, 26 August 2019

Mince gravy with potato salad

Step 1 - Boil the potato until its cooked
        2 - Fry the mince with onion add 1 cup of bisto and flour
        3 - Serve with potato salad

Monday, 19 August 2019


Blueberry Muffins

Step 1 - 1 1/2 C of Flour
        2 - 1/2 C of sugar
        3 - 1/2 C of oil
        4 - 1/2 C of milk
        5 - 1 egg
        6 - Blueberry ( Add last )
        7 - Mix all and bake 180 c

Monday, 12 August 2019

Fried Rice - Cooking Class

Step 1 - Whisk 3 eggs and fry it as a scramble egg when it cooked dice it into small strip
Step 2 - Dice the ham
Step 3 - Fry onion for 3 mins add butter, rice, egg, ham, and soy sauce
Step 4 - Take a photo and post it to your blog

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Whats a community?

In class we have been discussing what a community means and what it is. Our teacher set us up in groups of three and we all made a google drawing explaining what we think a community is. Down below are the results that me and my group have put together, explaining what a community means to us.

Friday, 5 April 2019

Migration Model

In class we have been learning about migration and have been discussing some push and pull reasons for it. This migration model is about why people leave or migrate from their home country to another. For example, when most people or family's cant afford to pay for rent they move to another country so they can manage to survive. Down below I have created a migration model to describe some reasons why people may migrate.

Monday, 25 March 2019

Meeting with client

For a couple of weeks we have been designing different things to put on a wall. When we met up with our client - Mr Grundy - We laid out our work and he picked the thing he liked. while that was happening he realised most of our work wasn't simple, So he taught us the K-I-S-S saying, which stands for: Keep It Simple Stupid. He explained that if we were to paint on the wall, we would want it to be simple so we are able to paint. Instead of trying to paint flames or tiny designs. Finally before he went away he choose the designs that he liked. Which was the simple wood plane, and the font Ice cube.         

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Nathan and Oscar - Made in Taiwan

 Over the past two weeks we have been doing an activity called Made in Taiwan, we watched   videos and wrote down some notes about the video. In the video there were two guys named Nathan & Oscar who travelled around the islands to find out where there clan parents came from.  
The thing that really interested me about the video was how they were studying about the Lapita patterns and designs