
Monday, 7 December 2020

Monday, 23 November 2020

Body Positivity - Health

This week in Health class we've been learning about Body Image, and we've been looking at examples of people who express themselves as well as speak up about body positivity. We also saw magazines and advertisements that tell us that we should have this 'Perfect body' and learnt that they're discouraging us just so we can give them our money to look they way they want us to. Learning about these two subjects were interesting and taught me many things, such as learning how to love myself and to know that we dont have to look like the models in magazines or social media because i am already perfect and beautiful in my own way. 

We also learnt about gender stereotypes, which interests me the most because at a young age society places females and males in category, such as the saying "only girls wear pink" or "only boys wear suits" so to me when males and females go against 'Gender stereotypes' makes them powerful and strong.    

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Body Positive

In class we have been learning positive thoughts we should have towards our body image and
appearance. Over the weeks we went through experiences and ways how people went through their
differences, as well as the challenges they had to face along the way or are still going through.
We learnt that not only girls but guys go through these experiences too.
Overall we learnt how to have positive thoughts about ourselves.

Image result for positive body image
See -

Visualising ourselves as beautiful can help encourage both ourselves and others surrounding us.
When we see ourselves as beautiful, we boost our self confidence thus having a positive affect towards
our health.

Think -

Knowing that each and every one of us is beautiful in our own way, can help us know that there's nothing
we need to change about ourselves. Stretch marks, scars your weight is all part of who we are,
we dont need to punish or put ourselves down because of what everyone else sees as beautiful  

Feel -

Feeling beautiful can motivate us to do more, for example we feel confident in what we wear,
eat or how we look. Positive thinking towards our appearance and body image is healthy for us to do
what makes us feel happy.